5 Simple Tips for Self-Maintaining Your IT Hardware
Maintaining your out-of-support IT systems can be an arduous task. The right personnel and the right tools for the job can ease the burden. After all, not everyone has the money carved out for maintenance contracts in their annual budget especially in these times. Have you heard the saying: when you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras? Same principle applies here…Often problems are easily solved by performing basic equipment maintenance, like clearing dust or ensuring connections are tight. I can’t remember how many times I have been hours into a repair, and it ended up that a data cable needed to be replaced. Self-maintaining isn’t as scary as it sounds, depending on the type of equipment that your organization has. Enterprise servers and storage should not be self-maintained, due to the complexity of the systems. In this post, I will go over a few best-practices that will help keep your equipment tip-top, and reduce the chance of a failure. Setting up SNMP failur...